Winter Lawn Care- Our Latest Adventure

Winter Lawn Care- Our Latest Adventure

Different parts of the country deal with winter lawn care differently. For example,  in the north, lawn care stops because of snow and ice.  But, here in central California, winter lawn care is important because of seasonal rain.  Cutting the grass can be an adventure for my wife and myself because of what is important to us.  Our attempt at winter lawn care is our next senior adventure.

Why Winter Lawn Care?

Would you rather cut grass or shovel snow during the winter.  I have done both.  Believe me. IThis explains the winter lawn care affiliation prefer winter lawn care to shoveling snow.  In this part of California, winter means rain.  But, a few day of rain is always followed by several bright, sunny days that help the grass grow.

the lawn needs winter lawn care

Our parkway shows several reasons for winter lawn care.  There are lots of leaves on the ground.  As well, the grass is long and the edging between sidewalk and grass looks terrible.  My wife and I had some decisions to make about how to take care of the lawn.

Lawn Care Decisions

People make decisions about lawn care no matter what the season.  Although I have been cutting lawns since I was 12 years old, it is only in the last few years that I have thought about the way I cut grass and do yard work.  What I do in my yard is important.

Feeding for Winter Lawn Care

Over the years, I have used a lot of different fertilizers and mixes to grow strong, green grass with good roots.  It never occurred to me that some of the things might be harmful and damage the land through run off.  For some reason, I never thought about whether the fertilizer and other chemicals I used might harm a bird or animal.

I do not want to poison water or wildlife just for a  green lawn.  I look at three factors when choosing fertilizer for the lawn.  First, I try to use only organic fertilizers.  This does not just mean this is part of winter lawn caremanure.  Fertilizers can be made of shell, minerals, plants, blood, fish and bones in many combinations.  Most organic fertilizer packages indicate the value as do chemical fertilizers.

Organic fertilizers often take long to be absorbed by the ground, but the nutrients added also last longer.  Rain does not dilute most natural fertilizers.  Animals are not harmed as they graze, walk or drink around these fertilizers.  Organics come in all forms… liquid, pellet and chunk.  The one draw back is that more is needed.


In many parts of the country, watering is not an issue for lawn care.  In California, water is a year round issue.  There have even been moratoriums on watering lawns.  So, as we take of our lawn and garden, my wife and I are careful not to waste water.   

We use good, timers when watering the lawn in the middle of the night for the least amount of evaporation.  All our sprinklers are in good shape so that water is only on the lawn and garden.

Finally, as we repair our lawn, we only use drought resistance grass seed.  When we are advised to cut back on watering or to stop altogether because of water shortage, our grass is healthy with minimal watering and usually comes back if it dries out.  Even if you live where there seems to be a lot of water available, use of this precious resource responsibly.

Power Garden Tools

Most people has some kind of power garden tool.  My wife and I use a weedwacker, leaf blower, lawn mower,  and an edger.  For us, the question is the power source.  on the way out for winter lawn carFor the most part we are using battery powered tools.  We still have a gas lawnmower.  It’s over 30 years old and we are cheap.  So, we have putting off getting a battery powered mower until spring.

We are switching from gas to battery power for several reasons.  Gas is inconvenient and messy.  We have to store gas.   Even for the amount used, it is expensive.  Mainly, we are trying, even in this small way, to cut down on green house gas emissions.

The Environment Matters

California is planning to eliminate sales of new gas powered engines by 20 33.  This may be an overly optimistic goal, but the motivation to cut down on green house emissions is good.

For many years, it didn’t seem to me that a bit of a gas or oil spilled mattered.  I didn’t think the small amount of exhaust from my lawn tools meant anything.  My wife and I realized that on our small street, on our small block, in our small town, etc, most people have gas powered lawn tools.  I have spilled a lot of gas and oil and a lot of exhaust.  So, we are using a battery powered mower after this season.

I am old.  So, we agreed that a self-propelled mower would be best.  After a great deal of research, we settled on the EGO Power self-propelled model because it has a 56 volt battery which provides about 4 hours of lawn cutting time.  My gas mower relates to horse power not volts.  As well, with the battery mower, there is no more mixing gas with oil or adding oil… just unplug, throw the switch and cut grass.

Thinking about Winter Lawn Care

I don’t just fire up the old gas garden tools without a thought now.  Well, I still do fire up the old gas mower, but I feel bad about it.  I think about what I put on my lawn and in my garden to make it healthy.  No matter what the state of California says about the water situation, I think about and control how much water I use on my lawn.  Besides that, I am converting to battery powered tools to eliminate some of the gasoline I use and reduce emissions.

Lawn care at anytime is a simple activity because tt’s pushing a mower, running an edger, water the lawn and feeding the grass.  It’s simple but it should be done thoughtfully.  The adventure is keeping the lawn looking great while thinking about the world.  It was fun to share it with you.

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Han Lahav
Han Lahav
2 years ago

Hi James

thank you for an interesting read.  

We have been struggling with water issues in Cape Town, South Africa for some years now, and since the city is becoming more overpopulated, the issue will not soon disappear.  

I LOVE a patch of lawn, and with your advice, I think I can crack down on how to still have it, without abusing resources.  

Many thanks

Han Lahav

PS:  Love the title of your website! 

2 years ago
Reply to  Han Lahav

Thanks so much for your comment.  California, despite a lot of rain and snow, just implemented water restrictions today.

Lawrence Dora
Lawrence Dora
2 years ago

Hey there James,

This is really a great topic and something very few think about. I unfortunately don’t live in sunny California but I do however live in sunny Durban, South Africa and from what I have read and researched we experience very similar weather all year round. So your information in this article will really help me with my lawn care. Thank you for sharing.

P.S. I would really love to visit California one day though 🙂



2 years ago
Reply to  Lawrence Dora

Thanks for taking the time to read this article and comment.  I hope you get to California some day.

2 years ago

Having a lawn that is beautiful requires that we give them what they need in order to thrive and not because the winter is here that means that we should drop our tools and wait until the spring months when we can do what we can to help our lawns through the winter months to continue to thrive and look their best. Our lawns will go to work for us only if we go to work for them. Thanks so much for sharing.

2 years ago
Reply to  Norman

You are right.  That is the great thing about lawn care or gardening.  As we put in the time and care, we are rewarded.  Thanks for the comment.

2 years ago

A very informative read, I don’t know much about landscaping. May I Ask How often should someone mow their lawn? And do you think its a good idea to put plants in pots instead of the ground directly? Hope to hear from you, and Thank you for sharing your knowledge in this topic. 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  Champ

The frequency of lawn mowing depends on the climate.  I usually do it weekly unless there is very little rain.  My wife and I enjoy planting things in the soil to landscape or for vegetables, but we also plant things in pots of accents around the yard or to enjoy plants that would otherwise be invasive.  Thanks for commenting.

2 years ago

This is a very instructive article, I enjoyed the seal I read it. What I liked the most was that you care about the environment, a battery-powered mower is much more practical than an oil or gas mower. I’m sure your tips will help many people , and me. Thank you for this post.

2 years ago
Reply to  Djordje

The things we do for ourselves can certainly impact others.  Thanks for reading and commenting.

2 years ago

Hey great article this was definitely an interesting read!

I like that you don’t want to harm wildlife and nature, very considerate, I too have the same thought about wildlife.

There are gas lawn mowers too! Wow I didn’t know that. You have a very interesting and careful way of keeping your lawn tidy whereas I over here have quite a unkept yard. Definitely going to be using these tips to change it up!

Thanks again!

2 years ago
Reply to  Sariyah

I like the look of a cared for lawn, but I imagine I mostly do it because its a habit.  My dad had me cutting the lawn when I was 10 as part of my chores.  It stuck.  Thanks for commenting. Have fun with your yard.

2 years ago

Hi James. I just recently bought a home with a lawn and haven’t really figured out how to take care of it as it is my first time owning such a house. I’ve been scouring the web looking for useful tips to help with that especially during the winter season that’s coming up shortly. Your tips are quite eye opening and the post has made me bookmark your website so I can visit it for more tips in the future.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dave

I find lawn care and working in the yard to be very therapeutic probably because I have done it since I was a kid. Its a time to be alone with your thoughts.  Plus, you can see what you accomplish.  Hope you enjoy your new lawn.  Thanks for the comment.

Daniel Tshiyole
Daniel Tshiyole
2 years ago

Well we done with winter. I live in South Africa and we are currently in summer so I don’t think that this article will help me anytime soon. But I will be sure to bookmark this article and come back to it when we are in winter. Thank you so much for your help in advance 

2 years ago

I think our winters are about the same as yours.  Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.

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