Painting Garage Floors Step by Step

Painting Garage Floors Step by Step

Our garage floor looked terrible.  We decided that painting garage floors would be a fun life adventure. Painting is the process of applying a protective coating or sealant to a concrete garage floor. This is done to prevent moisture, oil, and other contaminants from damaging or staining the garage floor.  The paint forms a barrier on the floor to protect it from wear and tear.  The type of paint used on a garage floor can vary, from simple concrete paint to more a advanced epoxy coatings. The painting process typically involves cleaning the surface, allowing it to dry completely, and then applying the painting according to manufacturer instructions.

A New Project

finish the kitchen before painting garage floorsOnce our kitchen renovation was complete, we decided to tackle the garage floor. The garage floor was almost 50 years old.  We didn’t know anything about cleaning and painting garage floors.  So, we did some research and found that there were 3 main steps to painting garage floors.

– We thoroughly cleaned the floor

–  The floor needed to be primed. before painting garage floors, the floor was a mess

– Paint needed to be applied

Our floor was a mess. We swept and power washed the floor several times.  Despite all the work, it still looked terrible.  Eventually , we were satisfied that it was clean enough to prime and paint.

Priming Before Painting Garage Floors

sage supervised painting the garage floorsThere are several reasons to prime a concrete garage floor.  Ultimately, we primed the floor  so that the paint would bond better to the concrete.

Our dog Sage, had a ball supervising the work.

We applied two coats of primer to the floor as soon as it was clean.  Consequently, there was no dirt or dust to prevent the paint from bonding to the cement. The primer went on easily and dried quickly because it was thin.

Painting Garage Floors after Priming

We decided to paint our garage floor for several reasons.  The floor was covered with stains. Painting the floor gave it a fresh new look.  We choose grey paint.  To protect the floor from stains, tire marks, spills etc., we used an epoxy based concrete floor paint.  Immediately, the floor became easier to clean.  It also became less slippery for wet shoes.

Sage watched us painting garage floorsWhile we were painting we blocked the garage door so that our supervisor could watch us, but not get on the floor.

Because there are two sides to our garage, we painted both separately.  The paint instructions recommended 48 hours before allowing foot traffic.  As well, we found that we needed to wait 5 days before driving on the new paint.

Overall, painting our garage floor improved the look of  our garage.  The epoxy paint will protect the floor from all the stuff that is spilled on it.  The garage will be much easier to clean.

Tools Needed

We did not need a lot of tools for this job.  Initially, we swept the garage floor with a bush broom.  Wepower washers help painting garage floors washed the floor sever times with a power washer, but a bucket and mop would work just as well.  We were not ambitious enough to use a bucket and mop.  If there are chunks of paint, tape or other foreign stuff on your floor, you will need a scraper to remove them.  Otherwise, they will be painted onto the floor.  Finally, we used several deep mat rollers and a long handle to apply both the primer and paint.  That’s all the tools needed for this home improvement job.

If you are considering sprucing up a stained, dirty garage floor, be sure to clean it thoroughly.  Follow the directions for the primer and paint provided on the cans.  This life adventure doesn’t cost much and doesn’t take too much effort, but makes a dramatic difference in a garage.

Thanks for joining us on this senior adventure.

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Shalisha Alston
Shalisha Alston
1 year ago

I love how your site documents growing older together and doing things together.  I never thought garage floors needed painting. I thought because they’re concrete, no paint needed. Thanks for taking us through the process step by step and providing us with the tools we may need on this endeavor.  You talk about priming the floor before painting. Is there a particular brand you recommend for a primer? Also, how much should one expect to pay (that’s in a reasonable price range) for a primer?  Thanks for a great post. 

1 year ago

I really admire your attitude of making an adventure out of the need to paint your garage floors. There have been many times in life when such a chore or project fell to me to get done and seldom have I had a positive emotion, rather I was filled with dread. I think your mindset is better!

I’m glad you mentioned primer because that is the first mistake that most people make. Not only is it necessary to scrape away chipping of bubbling paint but sealing the base with a primer is equally as important.

The power washer is also a great idea for your prepping the floor. The cleaner the better for each progressive coat to adhere.

1 year ago

I think that your article on painting garage floors is a great example of how important it is to prioritize home improvement projects as critical aspects of creating a comfortable and functional living space. Your explanations and recommendations, as well as your step-by-step guide and personal experiences, make the article a valuable resource for anyone looking to enhance the appearance and functionality of their garage. I appreciate the time and effort you put into creating such a helpful resource.

1 year ago

Well that sounds fun.

I used to make these small cast cement statues that I painted.  Never would’ve thought about painting a garage floor.  I suppose it would help keep your property value up, too?  It is certainly something I will be thinking about from now on.

Thanks for the good idea.

(Sage is very cute)

Pablo E Reimpell
Pablo E Reimpell
1 year ago

I enjoyed reading your article about painting garage floors. You gave some useful tips and steps on how to prepare and paint the concrete surface. Good to see the use of a primer before applying the epoxy paint.

I especially liked how you documented the process with that funny video. It looks great! Thanks for sharing your experience!

pasindu dimanka
pasindu dimanka
1 year ago

I appreciate all of your work. After reviewing the materials you’ve supplied, I feel you’ve raised several fair points. I want to contribute anything further. Before painting the garage floor, primer should be used. In addition to protecting the surface, the primer creates a strong bond between the paint and the concrete. Apply the primer in a homogeneous coating using a paint roller and working in progressively smaller sections. Thank you for the fantastic essay.

Liam Tremblay
Liam Tremblay
1 year ago

Hey, you. well, I appreciate your hard work. I read your content and I think you have mentioned so many good points. I want to add something more. Apply a coat of primer to the garage floor. The primer helps to seal the surface and create a strong bond between the concrete and the paint. Use a paint roller to apply the primer evenly, working in small sections.

1 year ago

As someone who has recently painted their own garage floor, I found this post to be incredibly helpful and informative. The step-by-step instructions were easy to follow, and the accompanying photos made it clear what the end result should look like.

What I appreciated most about this post was the emphasis on proper preparation and using the right materials. It can be tempting to cut corners when it comes to a project like this, but the tips provided in this post reinforced the importance of taking the time to do it right.

I also appreciated the suggestions for different types of paints and coatings. It helped me make an informed decision about what would work best for my garage floor.

In essence, I found this post to be a valuable resource for anyone looking to paint their garage floor. Thank you for sharing your expertise and providing such detailed and helpful information. I look forward to checking out more of your posts on Our Senior Adventure.

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