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Painting Garage Floors Step by Step

Painting Garage Floors Step by Step

Our garage floor looked terrible.  We decided that painting garage floors would be a fun life adventure. Painting is the process of applying a protective coating or sealant to a concrete garage floor. This is done to prevent moisture, oil, and other contaminants from damaging or staining the garage floor.  The paint forms a barrier on the floor to protect it from wear and tear.  The type of paint used on a garage floor can vary, from simple concrete paint to more a advanced epoxy coatings. The painting process typically involves cleaning the surface, allowing it to dry completely, and then applying the painting according to manufacturer instructions.

A New Project

finish the kitchen before painting garage floorsOnce our kitchen renovation was complete, we decided to tackle the garage floor. The garage floor was almost 50 years old.  We didn’t know anything about cleaning and painting garage floors.  So, we did some research and found that there were 3 main steps to painting garage floors.

– We thoroughly cleaned the floor

–  The floor needed to be primed. before painting garage floors, the floor was a mess

– Paint needed to be applied

Our floor was a mess. We swept and power washed the floor several times.  Despite all the work, it still looked terrible.  Eventually , we were satisfied that it was clean enough to prime and paint.

Priming Before Painting Garage Floors

sage supervised painting the garage floorsThere are several reasons to prime a concrete garage floor.  Ultimately, we primed the floor  so that the paint would bond better to the concrete.

Our dog Sage, had a ball supervising the work.

We applied two coats of primer to the floor as soon as it was clean.  Consequently, there was no dirt or dust to prevent the paint from bonding to the cement. The primer went on easily and dried quickly because it was thin.

Painting Garage Floors after Priming

We decided to paint our garage floor for several reasons.  The floor was covered with stains. Painting the floor gave it a fresh new look.  We choose grey paint.  To protect the floor from stains, tire marks, spills etc., we used an epoxy based concrete floor paint.  Immediately, the floor became easier to clean.  It also became less slippery for wet shoes.

Sage watched us painting garage floorsWhile we were painting we blocked the garage door so that our supervisor could watch us, but not get on the floor.

Because there are two sides to our garage, we painted both separately.  The paint instructions recommended 48 hours before allowing foot traffic.  As well, we found that we needed to wait 5 days before driving on the new paint.

Overall, painting our garage floor improved the look of  our garage.  The epoxy paint will protect the floor from all the stuff that is spilled on it.  The garage will be much easier to clean.

Tools Needed

We did not need a lot of tools for this job.  Initially, we swept the garage floor with a bush broom.  Wepower washers help painting garage floors washed the floor sever times with a power washer, but a bucket and mop would work just as well.  We were not ambitious enough to use a bucket and mop.  If there are chunks of paint, tape or other foreign stuff on your floor, you will need a scraper to remove them.  Otherwise, they will be painted onto the floor.  Finally, we used several deep mat rollers and a long handle to apply both the primer and paint.  That’s all the tools needed for this home improvement job.

If you are considering sprucing up a stained, dirty garage floor, be sure to clean it thoroughly.  Follow the directions for the primer and paint provided on the cans.  This life adventure doesn’t cost much and doesn’t take too much effort, but makes a dramatic difference in a garage.

Thanks for joining us on this senior adventure.

G E Gas Cook Top Finally Installed

G E Gas Cook Top Finally Installed

Our kitchen renovation adventure continued.  We had our new G E gas cook top.  After 3 weeks of getting estimates for a new countertop to go with the new cook top, we decided the  countertop we wanted was too expensive.  So, we installed our G E gas cook top in our old counter.  Installing a cook top seems pretty run of the mill.  However, the demolition and installation was another senior adventure.

Our G E gas cook top was finally installed

                            Clearing the Cabinet for the G E Gas Cook Top

The new stove top had to fit in here.Before starting any work on the stove top, we cleaned out the cabinet.  We foundAll this stuff would be replaced the the new G E gas stove topthings that had been stored and forgotten.   Incredibly, there was everything from things that a slice and dice to ancient hot plates.  We found cast iron pans and some wonderful old, pot holders made by a distant aunt. Everything was piled on chairs in the dining room.  Of course, we could no longer walk in that direction.

Once the cabinet was empty, we tried to remove the old cook top and downdraft.  How difficult can that be?  It was difficult.  We turned off the gas tothe new stove top was gas disconnect the line.  Of course, this meant no heat or hot water.  Which meant a chilly house and no showers for awhile.

We unhooked the power to the old cooktop so we could take it right out.  Of course, it wouldn’t come right out.  Years of caulking around the cook top held it in place.  As well, when the counter top had been redone long ago, the cook top was glued down.  Eventually, careful work with a putty knife  cut the glue.  Finally, the old cook top came up.  We broke some trim tiles, but damage to the cabinet was minimal.

A Few Minor Adjustments for Our G E Gas Cook Top

Of course,  we ran into a few unexpected problems which delayed the stove top installation. Delaying installation delayed the gas hook up.   No gas meant meant no showers or heat.

The new cook top had a 1/2 inch gas fitting.  The old fitting was 1/4 inch.  So, I went off to the hardware store.  It just took a couple of minutes to change the fitting on the gas line.

Unfortunately, the unexpected adjustments didn’t endthe vent for the downdraft was huge there.  While looking over the manual for the new downdraft, we discovered  the volume of air moved was much higher than the old unit.  Consequently, it had to have an outside vent.   Consequently, we had to cut a hole in our house.   So, I went off to a larger hardware store to find an outdoor vent and all the piping.  Cutting the hole through the wall and the stucco was a real joy… not! The outside vent cover was huge. It was designed to have the finished wall around it.  Cleaning the edges and painting will make it look a little better.

Installing the G E Gas Cook Top

Eventually, the new gas fitting, the down draft pipe and vent were installed.  The next task was installing the downdraft and cook top into the cabinet shell.  I am much better at breaking things than fixing them, so I had to be careful throughout the process.   The 24 inch long 1/2 inch gas line was easy to install.  I also capped off the electrical wires that had been to the old downdraft.  The new downdraft pipe took awhile to install.  Unfortunately,  we had to cut the interior cabinet wall and the outside wall for the outside vent to be installed.

The G E gas stove top itself was 3/8 inch too big.  I couldn’t believe it.  It must pay to have good eye sight when reading a tape.  Fortunately, the grout line between the stove and the tile edging was about the right size.  The edging broke when the old stove top came out.  Without the grout, the new one fit.

When we unpacked the new downdraft, it looked far too big with its motor and fan to fit into the counter.  With some angling and some technical language,  the downdraft fit.  As it turns out, this one is far more powerful than our old one.

The new G E gas stove top and downdraft were in.  We are still trying to figure out what to do about the countertop.  That’s another adventure.


Senior Citizen – Age, Activity, Attitude

Senior Citizen – Age, Activity, Attitude

My sisters Jane and Juliana with me.

Who is a senior citizen?  My grandfather was a senior citizen for the entire time I knew him.  My Dad was a senior citizen for most of my life.  Suddenly, I am a senior citizen. I hope this website helps you as I figure out how to be a senior citizen.

When are You a Senior Citizen?

My grandkids ask me to tell them about the “olden days.”  I have people at stores ask me if I need at hand.  Am I a senior citizen because I have white hair?  Am I a senior citizen because of my age.  Possibly, its because of how organizations and the government view me.

When I think about my grand-parents and my parents at my age, I am very different from them.


I think differently than they did.  I find that I am more interested in many things than ever before in my life.  For that reason, I am on the go a lot more than my parents.

They were skeptical of new food, new politicians and new experiences.  They were particularly skeptical of new ideas.  I find all of that exciting. My outlook on life is different from my parents and grandparents at my age.


I can’t lift as much as I used to.  I can’t run as fast as I did when I was younger.  But I have the same energy as I always have.  At least, I think I do.  Aches and pains not withstanding, a day of hiking or an hour of swimming or basketball still feels good.  I try to walk, not jog, 5 miles daily.


My next birthday will put me two years over the age to receive Social Security.  I will have had MediCare for 3 years on May 8th.  Websites ask me to scroll way down to reach my birth year.  As far as the government is concerned, I’m senior citizen.

Who Are Senior Citizens?

When does senior insurance kick in?  There are AARP Insurance plans 50, 65 years olds can access.  Is everyone in that age range a senior?  Many people say that 10,000 baby boomers world wide turn 65 daily.

Glen Kessler wrote in an article dated July 24, 2014:

“Ten thousand people a day is certainly a big number. Over 365 days, that’s almost 4 million people. But then everything about the “Baby Boom” generation is pretty big.  There were 76 million people born between the years 1946 and 1964, the traditional window for the baby boom generation. That means that they will retire over a 19-year period. Simple math shows that 76 divided by 19 is 4 million, or almost 11,000 people a day.” USA, LLC

That’s a lot of people.  When I go the store, I see people about my age everywhere I look.

What Do Seniors Mean to the World?

Many people who study demographic trends and their results think that this number of seniors will impact the world economically.  With health care improving and nutrition standards rising world wide, seniors are living long.

A Senior citizen have time to sit and relax.
Juliana and Ginger, my wife.

“Business Insider”, in a article,  speculates.  “America’s 65-and-older population is growing rapidly thanks to the aging Baby Boom generation.  This means more and more people are dropping out of the labor force and spending less and less money.”   This is seems to be the case world wide.

“Global Health and Aging” observes.  “In 2010, an estimated 524 million people were aged 65 or older—8 percent of the world’s population. By 2050, this number is expected to nearly triple to about 1.5 billion, representing 16 percent of the world’s population.”

Wikipedia states that almost 27.6 percent of the world’s population is presently under 15 years of age. Yet people are living longer. The birth rate annually doubles the death rate world wide.

Seniors have built upon the foundation of the past in all areas of life. They will be dependent on others to provide their long term future.

Why This Website?

This website is for me. That’s not why its named after me.  I am this domain name because my son bought it for me 15 years ago.  I wanted to keep using it.

I’m a senior. What does that means for all areas of my life. I hope this website can be a place where other seniors share their experiences.  I need to know how others are handling what I am handling.  There will be no order to the articles on the site.  I am planning to write as I do things.  I also want to share what Ginger, my wife and I do, and other family members, as well.  Enjoy the site.  Let me know what you do in similar situations.  Share what being a senior citizens means to you.


Take a moment to share your thoughts in the comment section below.  Are you a senior?  Do you seem different than you parents did when they were your age?