First Lectric Ebike Adventure

First Lectric Ebike Adventure

We have always enjoyed riding bikes.  As we get older,  hills seem to get higher. So, we decided to rent e-bikes.   Our  first e-bike ride was about 20 miles.  We went up some steep hills.  With long open stretches of bike path, we tested the speed and handling of the bikes.  The rental so much  fun that we decided to buy e-bikes.   After a lot of research, we decided on the Lectric E bike 2.  The step-thru model seemed best for us.  This would be the first of our senior e bike adventures.

Lectric Ebike 1st Ride

This bike was compact, affordable and foldable.  We thought it would be perfect to transport in our car or small motorhome.  We took some time to get used to the Lectric Ebike learning how to use the peddle assist, cruise control and throttle.  For example, the normal, 7 speed bike gears worked differently  with the 5 ranges of pedal assist.

Despite having ridden motorcycles most of our lives, we were a bit shaky as we began the first ride.  After a few minutes, we both figured out the relationship between the pedal assist and the gear shift.  We adjusted to the pedal assist kicking in after one full pedal rotation.  We got to a pleasant grassy park and enjoy turkey sandwiches, chips and soda.

As we enjoyed the day and the lunch, we talk about all the places we could ride our new Lectric Ebikes.  We anticipated that we could fold them to store them in our motor home while we travelled.  The question was would they fit into our SUV when folded.

We needed to test and adjust several settings for the bikes.  We set the maximum speed, the rotations to start peddle assist and also the fork stiffness.  The Lectric Ebike felt a little dorky.We didn’t go too far.  The ride to the park was enough to test the settings and see how we liked the bikes.  To get in a longer road test, we went to a Starbuck’s for a hot caramel machiato.  Both of us rode motorcycles for most of our adult lives.  We felt a little dorky on the ebikes, but enjoyed the ride. Just so you know, we used #2 pedal assist in 5th gear most of the time.  In town, there was no chance to try the higher pedal assist settings.

Some Things were Needed


We found that there were some things we needed to make  our riding safer and easier.  For example, yelling back andGreat to communicate on a Lectric Ebike forth as we road got tiring.  Consequently,  we decided to trade in our tradition bike helmets for Sena Blue Tooth Helmets.  These helmets connect for an intercom type of communication.  They also connect with bluetooth to cell phones and pick up FM and AM radio stations.  They have sturdy acrylic paint finishes.  As well, there is an easy to use size adjustment on the back strap.  These helmets help us to talk normally up to 250 yards apart.

A phone is important on a Lectric Ebike.

Phone Holder

The more we road the bikes, the more we realized that we need to have some kind of a phone holder.  Because it is difficult to dig the phone out of a pocket while riding a bike, we got rubber mounted holders to cut down on the shock to the phone as we road.  With the push of a button on a Sena helmet, we can answer a phone call.  If  Siri is activated, a call can be made through the helmet.  Otherwise, the number must be entered making the phone mount really important.


As evening fell, we turn on the little headlight and tail light provide with oura strong headlight is important on a lectric ebike bikes.  The headlight was not bright enough so shine very far ahead of the bike although oncoming cars could see it.  We decided that we needed to order stronger, battery operated headlights.  We settled on an Ascher headlight that had 3 brightness settings. It could easily be removed from the bike and used as a flashlight.  It came with a bright tail which was wider than the stock tail light.

We had a fun first ride and a wonderful picnic.  Both of us agreed that the Lectric Ebike purchase was going to add a lot to our lives.  Depending on hills and speed, the bikes have a maximum distance of 45 miles.  For sure, we are going to test that on a ride very soon.

We were happy to share this little senior adventure with you.  Click here to let us know your thoughts on our adventure.

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2 years ago

What a detailed post on Lectric E-bikes. I could feel your excitement not only about your adventure with the E-bike but also about the features of the bike.

I especially liked the Sena Blue Tooth Helmets as it connects with an intercom for more convenient communication and it also connects with Bluetooth to cell phones and AM or FM radio.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

The helmet are great. Thanks for commenting.

2 years ago

Thanks for sharing this detailed account of your first Lectric ebike ride/adventure. I have been interested in them for a while but was hoping to hear a thorough review of how it performs in real life for people who aren’t in their 20s. It sounds like the experience is as fun as I expected it would be, and I appreciate all the details you shared about this particular Lectric ebike model.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aly

There are many models to choose from but they are all fun I am sure. Thanks for commenting.

2 years ago

Thank you for sharing your experience of your first ebike adventure and picnic. My neighbours recently got ebikes and have been telling me what a huge difference it has made to their biking experience. We live in quite a hilly area, which can be tough on the legs and knees when biking. 

So this past weekend I borrowed an electric bike to try it, and absolutely loved it. I could test the different gears on open stretches and found it was very easy to change. I will be looking at the model you are suggesting to see if it will suit my needs. 

2 years ago
Reply to  LineCowley

There are lots of bike models to check out.  We bought the Lectric Ebike because it was foldable and was in our price range.  Check out lots of bikes for power and range etc.  If you know people who have bikes, talk to them.  We road motorcycles all our lives until a couple of years ago.  The ebike is almost as fun.  Thanks for taking the time read and comment.

2 years ago

Electric bikes are an excellent option for people who love the sport but have an injury that prevents them from riding a regular bike.

I used to ride with my father every weekend until he suffered an accident that left him with a serious knee problem.

Now he has an electric bike and that has allowed him to continue to enjoy his hobby.

The problem is that the one he has is very low performance, the battery runs out quickly and I don’t know which model to choose that has a better performance without paying so much.

It would be nice to know your opinion.

Thanks for sharing your experience!

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank

Hi.  My wife and I were in the position your father is in.  We were finding it tough to bike the distance that we had for years so we bought electric bikes.  We have an rv so we bought bikes that fold and can be stored easily.  We bought. Lectric EBikes.   They have 5 pedal assist levels and a regular 7 speed bike transmission.  We have gone on 30 miles rides – 15 out and 15 back.  Some people buy an extra battery so they can go further.  We usually ride in level 2 pedal assist and go about 12-15 mph.  In level 5, you can go 25-28 mph but it uses more battery.  The bikes can be pedal with assist too.  There an lots of e bikes.  That is what we chose.

2 years ago

I enjoyed reading through this. Trying out new things can be fun and challenging. This article reminded me of when I was trying to learn how to ride a bicycle as a preteen. It was really challenging and I felt bad when I couldn’t and even worse when I saw others speeding with theirs. I eventually learned how to ride in the end but it wasn’t easy. I will overcome fear and try Lectric bike some time, I see it as speedy and one can easily lose control and get injured. Do you think so?

2 years ago
Reply to  Bethel

If you can ride a bike, you can start out on most ebikes and just get used to the feel without any power.  Then while riding you can add a bit of power to get the feel.  It will just take you a little while to get used to starting and stopping.  They are fun.  Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on my article.

Jerry McCoy
Jerry McCoy
2 years ago

What an exciting time trying something new. You already loved cycling and now have added lectric ebikes. They seem to be incredibly fun to ride. Allowing for adjusting the settings it appears this was a success. I am sure my wife and I will research them and see about buying them for us to use as well.


2 years ago
Reply to  Jerry McCoy

We have put almost 300 miles on the bikes after that first ride.  We love them.  There are a lot of bikes to research in terms of size, power, controls etc.  Thanks for taking the time to read this article and comment.

2 years ago

I am so amazed with these type,of bikes, in fact when I see a person riding them it sort of look strange because I am use of the old school bikes where you had to paddle in order to move but it is so good to know that there are bikes like these that can make travel time so much easier and fun

2 years ago
Reply to  Norman

There are dozens of ebike models.  We have enjoyed ours because we get the cardio benefit of lots of peddling without the exhaustion.  Thanks so much for taking the time to read the article and comment.

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