Safe Activities Avoiding COVID19

Safe Activities Avoiding COVID19

The pandemic is the main topic of discussion everywhere I go.  There is good reason for that.  It is world changing.  Since late March of 2020, we have been isolated staying at home and avoiding contact with others.  As a seniors, my wife and I have adjusted because we have been told we are most vulnerable.  We are figuring out what are safe activities during the pandemic for us.

Safe Activities During the Pandemic

Things are beginning to open up here in central California, but we are still being cautious.   What are safe activities outside the home at this stage of the pandemic?  Because my wife and I have had both our shots, we have some degree of confidence in the vaccine, but  still wonder what is safe to do.  The CDC has issued pandemic safty guidelines for everything from grocery shopping to extending families living together.

I find the guidelines issued by California helpful.

here are guidelines for safe activities during the pandemic

It is up to each person to determine what feels safe as they practice any pandemic cautions. My wife and I  have discussed safety for hours to come up with this series of personal guidelines.

  1. We will go into the community only when necessary.
  2. Only close family, who have been isolating, will be able to be in our home without masks.
  3. We will wear a mask outside of the home when in contact with anyone.
  4. We will wash our hands or use hand sanitizer after every “out of home” encounter.
  5. Curbside delivery will be used whenever possible.
  6. In store shopping or pickup will be done during special senior citizen hours when possible.
  7. If necessary, “take out” restaurant food will be ordered where curbside pick up is available.
  8. Each of us will schedule our medical appointments will be scheduled on the same day as much as possible.
  9. Minimally, we will have weekly contact with children and grandchildren via some for of video conferencing.
  10. Monthly, we will plan a large family video gathering.

safe activities for seniors might include family gatherings

Camping Got Us Out of the House

Things are beginning to open up here in central California, but we are still being cautious.    Keeping in mind CDC,  we decided to travel just a bit.  Our motorhome helped us go camping and keep 8 of 10 of our personal pandemic guidelines.

camping is one of many safe activities for seniors

We had everything needed for 3 or 4 days away from home.  We only drove about 50 miles to the redwoods in the Santa Cruz mountains, but, after a year at home, it felt like going around the world.  There were others at the campground.   The California nights are cold in winter so the closest camper to us was about 50 yards away. The only contact we had with people for the weekend was with office staff when we paid our camping fee and our daughter and her husband.

What was There to Do?

We did exactly what we were doing at home, but we were somewhere else.  The quiet majesty of the redwoods made all our normal activities seem new.  We cooked meals as we do at home.  Using a propane grill or open fire made cooking an adventure.   We walked the dog.  The big difference was that we were walking through the redwood forest.  We sat around and read.  Not in the house or our backyard, but in camping chairs listing to a creek just a few yards away.

Even Sage enjoyed sitting around in a new place listening to new sounds and smell new smells.  It was chilly.  Sage need in pjs under her jacket, but it was time away to familiar safe activities in a new place.

Will We Do it Again?

With two shots, we now have full immunity from COVID.  At least we hope we do.  Our RV will be our means of fun travel for through to the fall.  With grandchildren and siblings across the country, we envision so fun road trips.  In our minds, staying at a hotel is not among the safe activities despite the CDC standard.  So, we travel with our little hotel room on wheels.

We have been told that planes are safe because of the mask and distancing rules as well as the sophisticated air circulation systems.  My wife and I have no desire to spend time walk or waiting in a crowded terminal.

Rail travel seems to be a good option because of spaced seating and the possibility of a private room. But, we want to be able to stop when we want to and take the route that seems most interesting to us.  We would travel by rail before travelling by plane.  Fortunately, as retirees, we have plenty of time to devote to travelling.

Figure it Out!

You know what are safe activities at home.  Figure out a way to do what you do at home away from home.  Keep as many of the new rules for interacting as you can.  Take every precaution as you need to when you meet people.  Have have you tried camping?  You can rent motorhomes in almost every city.  A tent and camping equipment is reasonable especially if you use it a number of times.  Just figure out what you need before you buy.

Absolutely Everything Outdoors

Day hikes at county and state parks can be a great way to leave home without going very far.  If you are close to a national park, makes a reservation to visit with a day pass as soon as you can.  A day in the beauty of nature is refreshing in itself.  Being with other people, who have something in common with you, can be very uplifting.

So, there are safe activities to do during this pandemic.  Figuring out a way to travel with which you feel safe is important.  Once that is settled you can get away and a lot of the things that are safe at home while visiting a completely different place.




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3 years ago

Yeah, since Covid-19 has started, it has become challenging to go out to do something safely, especially for the seniors as they are in the high-risk group. I think camping is a great idea! Activities in the fresh air are great for everyone, not just for seniors. National parks are a great option to spend the day active and safe. Still not to forget about safety measures like masks, hand sanitizer, distance.

3 years ago
Reply to  violeta

Now that we have camped once and are fully vaccinated, we will be going more often.  Thanks for reading the article and taking the time to comment.

3 years ago

Hi James,

COVID has really struck the globe pretty hard. In my country lockdown is up again. For the first time in history, COVID has made us stay at home–alienating the workplaces completely. Remote and online working is the order of the day now, something we have to adjust to whether we want or not–life has to move on you know. Guys just keep safe and don’t forget to mask on, people are losing lives out here. And remember to work out too!



3 years ago
Reply to  Sergej

I haven’t had the nerve to go back to the gym yet, but I am walking 4 or 5 miles a day.  Thanks for reading the article and commenting.

AL. S.
AL. S.
3 years ago

Of all the activities you can do during the COVID-19 pandemic, camping is definitely a perfect one. Very easy to social distance, and most of it takes place outside, so the chances of getting, or spreading covid while camping is pretty tiny. Good post, its kind of crazy this has been our reality for the last year.

3 years ago
Reply to  AL. S.

For a long time, we weren’t really supposed to go out so getting away to another place for a couple of days was amazing.  Thanks for taking the time to read my article.

3 years ago

Thanks for sharing this article James. These are some pretty helpful guidelines to continue to stay safe as we continue to navigate our way through the pandemic. Just because we’re getting vaccines out doesn’t mean we’re out of the woods yet. I love how you suggested camping as a fun solo activity to during the pandemic because I know several people who have gone camping during this time. Anything to get a little bit of fresh air.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rachel

We didn’t go far but it felt like halfway around the world because we hadn’t gone anywhere but the backyard for so long.  Thanks for taking reading and leaving a comment.

Gabriel J
Gabriel J
3 years ago

Hi! I find this post very relevant with what is going on in the world lately. I also have enjoyed camping even when I was a kid. It’s very relaxing and I hope I can do that again one day since it can take me away from the stresses of adult life. Camping is a safe activity to do during corona. You guys also have a pretty good list of strategies for people to use to avoid catching the virus. Great post!

3 years ago
Reply to  Gabriel J

Thanks for reading my article and commenting.

3 years ago

Hi, James Collins
First of all, thank you for the information you provided in the post. Although covid-19 has been epidemic around the world for almost 2 years, it still poses the greatest threat to the elderly. Therefore, we need to maintain Safe Activities to avoid infecting it.
In fact, some countries are now very little affected by it, and people still maintain the original way of life; but in other countries because of it, many people may be unemployed in the early days, but now the situation is improving.

3 years ago
Reply to  JealousLi

We’re being really cautious as my post indicated. Our biggest problem so far is that we can’t visit our grandchildren who are living in Canada. Hopefully that will change the spring. Thanks so much for reading the article and taking time to comment.

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